GMP = Good Manufacturing Practices – these are guidelines for the quality assurance of production processes. Pharmaceuticals and their raw materials are subject to the strict requirements of the GMP guidelines.
Especially for pharmaceutical products, quality assurance according to these strict guidelines plays an important role. In order to guarantee the quality of your pharmaceutical products and raw materials, QSI GmbH is GMP-certified and offers numerous analyses under GMP conditions. These include in particular analyses of plant raw materials according to the monographs of Ph.Eur. and DAB but also analyses according to USP or JP. The content of contaminants/residues, such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids, pesticides or mycotoxins, can also be analyzed in pharmaceutical products and herbal medicinal products under GMP conditions.
QSI GmbH also supports you in method development, validation and method transfer as well as in stability tests according to ICH-Guidelines.