QSI newsletter
We inform you regularly about the technical and content-related challenges for the analysis of honey and other bee products, agave syrup, coffee, cocoa, tea and hemp products – also medicinal cannabis and other pharmaceutical products. You are cordially invited to register here for the automatic sending of the newsletter.
You may find the previously in English published QSI-Newsletter on technical issues in the following:
Newsletter 2019-07 fake test reports
Newsletter 2019-06 Indication of the Country of origin of food
Newsletter 2019-04 Monitoring of Antibiotic residues
Newsletter 2019-03 GMP-Analyses at QSI
Newsletter 2019-03 NMR Honey Profiling 2.0
Newsletter 2019-02 NMR analysis of Agave syrup
Newsletter 2019-01 Update PAH analysis
Newsletter 2018-12 Pesticide residues in (organic) honey and their judgement
Newsletter 2018-04 Update of NMR databases at QSI
Newsletter 2018-04 Antibiotic residues: New Implementing Regulation 2018/470/EU
Newsletter 2018-03 The Evolution of the Database behind NMR-Honey-Profiling™
Newsletter 2018-03 Newsletter Determination of Amitraz in Honey – new method
Newsletter 2017-09 Bee feeding as root cause for honey failing adulteration test
Newsletter 2017-07 New evaluation of the Honey-Profiling™ by means of NMR
Newsletter 2017-03 Analysis of Agave Syrup
Newsletter 2016-12 Analysis of hemp products and cannabis
Newsletter 2016-11 Furan in coffee beans
Newsletter 2016-10 Neonicotinoids in honey
Newsletter 2016-09 16-O-Methylcafestol in green and roasted coffee