Publications about NMR – Honey Profiling
NMR is short for nuclear magnetic resonance. NMR-spectroscopy has been used since the 70s for quantification and structural analysis and has become a reliable method to officially test the authenticity of Food.
We combined 60+ years of experience in honey Analysis by QSI with several decades of NMR-experience by Bruker BioSpin GmbH to create a sophisticated and highly reproducible method to detect adulteration of honey by means of NMR-spectroscopy.
See following publications:
J. Mißler, B. Kämpf, S. Schwarzinger und B. Schütz
Honey Profiling ™ von A bis Z
DLR, Juni, 264-268 (2017)
J. Mißler, T. Wiezorek, G. Beckh
Mannose: a marker for adulteration with syrup or resin treatment of blossom honey
Magnetic Resonance in Food Science 2016 Proceedings, DOI: 10.1255/mrfs.4 (2016)
zu dem Artikel:
J. Mißler, G. Beckh, T. Bocher, M. Spraul, L. Heintz, B. Schütz
Honey-Profiling mittels NMR
Vortrag GDL-Honigfachtagung Stuttgart (Feb 2016)
A. Dübecke
NMR-Profiling of Honey
eFOOD-Lab_International_03_2015 (2015)
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