Publications about Authenticity

Economically motivated adulterations are a worldwide problem for the food trade.
High-quality raw materials are stretched with inferior goods, the real origins are obscured or in the case of honey and agave syrup diluted with industrially produced syrups in such a way that determining the authenticity of the product becomes more difficult. High-quality coffee qualities, such as Arabica coffee, are mixed with cheaper Robusta varieties, but this blend is not labelled.
See following publications about adulteration – Please find additional Information about NMR here:
A. Dübecke
Authentizitätsprüfung von Lebensmitteln Isotope als unsichtbare Qualitätssiegel, 24.09.2021, Autor: Christian Lüttmann, Sep. (2021)
A. Wessels
What is in my Cup of Coffee? The Risk of Food Fraud
eFOOD-Lab International, Issue 01/2021, page 20-22, Mar. (2021)
S. Reckeweg
Herkunft und Authentizität von Olivenöl
LVT LEBENSMITTEL Industrie 9/2020, Sep. (2020), (PDF)
A. Dübecke
Facetten der Authentizität – Food fraud: Analytische Nachweismöglichkeiten
DLR, 117. Jahrgang, Januar 2021, Behr´s Verlag, Hamburg, ZKZ 9982, S. 6, Jan. (2021)
O. Fuentes Molina, K. Alizadeh, Sergio A.Bucarey, E.Castaneza Zúñiga, P. Vásquez-Quitral
Analysis of organic molecules, physicochemical parameters, and pollen as indicators for authenticity, botanical origin, type and quality of honey samples examined
International Journal of Food Properties, Volume 23, 2020 – Issue 1, 27. Dec. (2020)
E. Khansaritoreh, Y.Salmaki, E.Ramezani, T. Akbari Azirani, A. Keller, K. Neumann, K. Alizadeh, S. Zarre, G. Beckh, H. Behling
Employing DNA metabarcoding to determine the geographical origin of honey
ScienceDirect, Heliyon, Vol 6, Issue 11, Nov. (2020)
A. Dübecke, S. Schwarzinger
Honey Regulations: Where Is the (Reasonable) Limit?
Journal Bee World, Volume 97, Issue 4, 3. Nov. (2020)
Quality Services International GmbH: T. Wiezorek, J. van der Meulen, S. Bartz, G. Beckh
Critical Evaluation of Methodologies for Characterization of Agave Syrup
Whitepaper (2017)
T. Wiezorek, G. Beckh
Misinterpretation of LC-IRMS Honey Analysis
Posterpräsentation Apimondia, Istanbul, 29.Sep.-4.Okt. (2017)
A. Dübecke, C. Lüllmann, G. Beckh, L. Fleming
High reputation of US honey threatened by cheap honey imports
American Bee Journal, 1080-1081 (Oct 2016)
S. Schwarzinger, F. Brauer, P. Rösch, A. Dübecke, C. Lüllmann, G. Beckh, B. Schütz, B. Kämpf
Authentische Lebensmittel
q&more (2016)
zu dem Artikel:
G. Beckh
Nachweis von Honigverfälschungen
Begleitband GDL-Symposium Honig und Honigtechnologie Stuttgart, 1.-2.Dec. (2011)
K. Beckmann, G. Beckh, C. Lüllmann
Nachweis von Honigverfälschungen – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau Spezial, September, 73-76A (2010)
K. Beckmann, G. Beckh, C. Lüllmann
13C Stabilisotopen-Messungen von Zuckerfraktionen des Honigs – Eine neue Möglichkeit zum Verfälschungsnachweis?
Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau, 105(5), 303-307 (2009)
K. Beckmann, G. Beckh, C. Lüllmann
Nachweis von fremder Invertase in Honig
Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau, 104(11/12), 55-57 (2008)
K. Beckmann, G. Beckh, C. Lüllmann
Detection of honey adulteration with 13C isotope ratio mass spectrometry single sugar fractions
Posterpräsentation AOAC Dallas 21. -25.9. (2008)
K. Beckmann, G. Beckh, C. Lüllmann
Positive deviations of δ13C IRMS-values between honey and proteine – effects of adulterations
Posterpräsentation AOAC Dallas 21. -25.9. (2008)
C. Lüllmann, G. Beckh and P. Wessel
Survey on the 13C values of different honey types – Poster Presentation
39. Apimondia Congress, Dublin, Ireland 21. – 27. Aug. (2005)
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