Infusion from coffee leaves – Authorization as novel food

On occasion of the current discussions in DIN Tea, we would like to inform about “coffee leaf tea”. In addition to coffee cherry pulp (see News from 02-2022), the European Union has authorized an infusion from coffee leaves as a novel food (traditional food from a third country) in the EU. This product can already be marketed in the EU since July 21, 2020.
The approval, the specifications as well as the conditions of use are laid down in „Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/917 authorizing the placing on the market of infusion from coffee leaves as a traditional food from a third country“. According to this regulation, coffee leaves per se may be used for infusion. However, their use in a blend with other ingredients or in other beverages is not permitted.
The designation of the novel food on the labelling of foodstuffs containing it shall be „Infusion from coffee leaves of Coffea arabica and/or Coffea canephora“.
The traditional food is prepared by mixing a maximum of 20 g of dried leaves with 1 L of hot water. Leaves are removed and the infusion is then subjected to pasteurization (at least 71 °C for 15 seconds).
We can analytically test these specifications for you. Please feel free to ask us for an individual offer.
If you have any questions or special requirements regarding the scope we will be happy to advise you.
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