Fake test reports

Due to current events, we would like to inform you that fake test reports, allegedly issued by QSI GmbH, are in circulation.
As you know, you always receive our test reports as a PDF document. However, PDF documents are not per se tamper-proof, but can be changed subsequently. We are aware of this problem and have therefore been using a digital, forgery-proof signature since October 2016 to protect our test reports against forgery. Changes to test reports signed in this way inevitably lead to a warning message from the PDF reader when the document is read. Copying and modifying an original test report is therefore no longer possible. This allows our customers to immediately prove the authenticity of test reports to third parties.
Here you will find a short explanation on how to recognize the digital signature and thus the original test report of QSI.
If a test report seems suspicious to you, please contact us immediately and send us a copy of the test report. We will immediately check the report with the information in our system free of charge.
In case you are a victim of fake test reports, we are grateful for any information you may have received, in order to take legal action against the originator. Of course, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Bremen, 10.07.2019